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  • Barium is a highly reactive alkaline earth metal originating from the Earth’s crust. Because it is so reactive, it can only be found in nature in combination with other elements. It’s important to note that not all barium compounds are made equal; the toxicity of a barium compound is dependent on its solubility – the more easily they dissolve in water, the greater the health risk.

Unbeknownst to many, bottled water typically shares the same source as municipal water, meaning that bottled water is not a cleaner or safer alternative to tap water. Not to mention the risk of microplastics, BPAs, phthalates, and other toxic chemical compounds leaching into your water from the plastic containers it is housed in that can cause long-term health problems. 

For example, the world's largest bottled water brand, Aquafina, has been challenged by Corporate Accountability International, and is now changing its label to address claims of misleading marketing practices. The "P.W.S." that has been on Aquafina's label will now be spelled out as "Public Water Source," which means it comes from the same supply as your tap water... tap water that has chlorine, fluoride, impurities, and other contaminants that affect your water quality, taste, and safety. And all this with a healthy dose of microplastics from the plastic water bottles they're housed in! 

And it is not just Aquafina; the water industry is rife with companies filling their bottles with tap water and passing it off as high-quality spring water through sneaky marketing techniques. In reality, most bottled water has simply passed through the same water treatment plant as the water that flows freely from your tap and is then sold back to you at a premium price on the grocery store shelves.

Contamination Facts







Health Guideline vs Legal Limit
Health GuidelineLegal Limit
700 ppb2000 ppb

What is Barium?

A report from the EWG states that while the water used by several bottled water brands is almost indistinguishable from tap water, a gallon of bottled water is about 3000% more expensive than a gallon of tap water from your public water supply. 

Trust us when we say that the addition of a chemical-laden plastic bottle is not worthy of that kind of markup. 

A better option if you're looking for a clean drinking water alternative is to employ a home filtration system and use the tap water you already pay for from your municipal water supply. The upfront cost of buying the filtration system is more than a 24-pack of plastic bottles, but the overall savings are astronomical, especially for a multi-person household. Plus, you'll now have access to high-quality drinking water free from the disinfection chemicals of tap water like chlorine. 

Switching from bottled water to a water filtration system is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to drink clean water, save money, and protect the environment. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) suggests your best option for cleaner, healthier drinking water on the go is filtered tap water in a reusable glass or stainless steel bottle. 

Clearly Filtered makes it easy to make the switch to filtered water – our water bottles feature a hidden filter attached to the straw that removes up to 99.9% of 220+ contaminants. 

If filtered water bottles aren’t your thing, rest assured Clearly Filtered offers a variety of premium filtration systems to best meet your needs. Eventually, your costs will just be maintenance of the filtration systems (these systems are only effective if you regularly change your filters) and the cost of the municipal water (which, compared to the cost of bottled water, is negligible).

Adverse Effects of Barium on Human Health

While a home filtration system is an initial upfront investment, the overall cost savings make up for it in no time. Additionally, the environmental impact of plastic water bottles in landfills – as well as production of plastic water bottles – is severely reduced when we opt for its sustainable, economical counterpart. 

On average, billions of plastic bottles are disposed of in U.S. landfills annually. When taking into account that plastic waste can last hundreds of years before fully breaking down – anywhere from 5 to 500 years – it is an understatement to say that plastic bottles are a major pollution issue that needs to be addressed.

Beyond the aspect of physically polluting the environment, the production and distribution of plastic bottles leads to an increase of carbon dioxide pollution, as well as a toll on our natural resources. It takes three times the amount of water to produce the actual bottle than it does to fill it. 

In addition to the heightened financial cost of bottled water, an analysis by the Pacific Institute, a global water think tank, found that bottled water takes up to 2,000 times more energy to produce than tap water. This includes the energy needed to make the bottles, fill them with water and transport them to the point of sale. 

Similarly, the aforementioned Harvard report that revealed the significant cost savings associated with ditching single-use water bottles also sheds light on the dire environmental impacts these bottles create. Here are just a few concerning statistics:

  • America's demand for plastic water bottles requires more than 17 million barrels of oil annually.

  • 86% of plastic water bottles end up in landfills as plastic waste rather than being recycled.

  • More than 8 million tons of plastic produced annually ends up in the ocean.

  • As plastic waste decomposes over 450 years, toxic chemicals and microplastics are released into our waterways and groundwater systems.

Neither bottled water nor filtered water is 100% environmentally friendly, but since water filters, by nature, can be reused and last much longer, filtered water is the best option. 

Ultimately, filtered water doesn’t have the same price, chemicals, and environmental impact as bottled water.

So, filtered water and bottled water step into the ring. Who wins? The answer is clear. Filtered water offers higher-quality hydration that saves you money and eliminates the negative impacts bottled water has on our shared environment. 

Clearly Filtered offers convenient, high-quality water filtration systems to bring the best drinking water straight to your home. Explore our different water filtration options, such as our Clearly Filtered Pitcher, Clearly Filtered Bottle, Clearly Filtered Universal Fridge Filter, and our Clearly Filtered Under-Sink System today!

From Earth to Tap: Tracking Barium's Journey

Nature is always in a state of continuous flux, and barium's path from the earth to our water supply is a testament to that dynamism. Barium naturally exists in rocks and soils, and through processes such as erosion and leaching, it enters nearby water sources.t However, human activities amplify this entry. Drilling, particularly in industries associated with oil and gas, can disrupt barium-containing rocks, releasing the metal into groundwater.

Understanding Barium Standards

Ensuring public health is of utmost priority, and it's the responsibility of international and national organizations to set guidelines for what's considered safe. The EPA and the World Health Organization (WHO) have set standards for permissible barium levels in drinking water. These guidelines are crucial as they define the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) - the highest permissible concentration of a contaminant in water. 

Currently, the EPA has the MCL for barium levels set at 2,000 parts per billion (ppb). However, experts at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) suggests a Health Guideline of 700 ppb to protect public health. When the amounts of barium in drinking water exceed this level, it could mean potential health risks for consumers.

The Role of Water Treatment in Barium Reduction

When barium finds its way into our groundwater and drinking water, the question arises: how do we ensure the safety of what reaches our taps? While the emphasis is on the importance of maintaining low levels of this contaminant in our water supplies to safeguard public health, the methods employed can vary widely in terms of cost, efficiency, and sustainability.

Traditional techniques, such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and cation exchange processes, have been known to reduce barium content. While effective, water softeners can sometimes be wasteful, requiring regular maintenance and producing significant amounts of brine waste. Moreover, setting up systems like reverse osmosis can be expensive and more suited for larger water treatment facilities.

Traditional methods might have their merits, but for homeowners concerned about their well water or even municipalities looking for more sustainable water treatment alternatives, the advantages of activated carbon filters are hard to overlook. Their efficiency in tackling soluble barium compounds, such as barium chloride, barium sulfate, and barium carbonate, is noteworthy.Whether the barium source is from ores in the Earth's crust, the by-products of drilling muds, or even the rare barium nitrate, activated carbon efficiently captures and reduces these contaminants, ensuring water quality. So, the next time you take a water sample, consider the effectiveness and sustainability of your treatment system. With activated carbon, not only do you get cleaner water, but you also invest in a solution that respects our planet.

Communities Navigating Barium Challenges

It's noteworthy that barium concentrations aren't consistent across all regions. Certain areas, particularly those near mining sites or with specific geological formations, tend to have elevated barium levels in groundwater.

Stories abound of areas where residents, noticing the tell-tale signs of contamination, have taken collective action to address elevated barium levels. Through community initiatives, installing advanced filtration systems, or lobbying for better regulatory oversight, they have ensured safer drinking water for their families.

For residents in such regions, periodic water sample tests are not just advisable but vital. Understanding local water samples and being aware of parts per million (ppm) readings can ensure that the community is not inadvertently consuming harmful levels of barium. To best protect yourself and your loved ones, learn more about specific contaminants in your water here.

Recent studies continue to highlight the ramifications of barium exposure on public health. As our understanding deepens, so does our appreciation for the intricacies of water purity. For instance, understanding TDS meter readings can provide invaluable insight into the overall quality of our drinking water.

Not Just Tap: Barium Beyond Your Faucet

While our taps are often the primary focus when we think about water consumption, many turn to alternative sources, thinking them safer or of higher quality. However, when it comes to barium, the narrative might surprise you.

Bottled Water: A Safe Haven?

Bottled water, touted for its purity, is a go-to for many who mistrust their taps. However, the bottling process doesn't inherently eliminate contaminants like barium. Some bottled water brands source their products from underground springs or wells, places where barium naturally occurs. As a result, not all bottled water is barium-free, and some might even carry significant metal levels. Therefore, it's crucial for consumers to carefully review the source and testing results of bottled water brands to ensure they aren't unknowingly sipping on barium-laden beverages.

The Depth of Well Water

Well water is another alternative that many households, particularly in rural areas, rely upon. Well water often comes into direct contact with barium-containing rocks and soils. While this doesn't necessarily mean all well water is contaminated, it elevates the risk. Regular testing and understanding the geological makeup of the region can help homeowners make informed decisions about treating and consuming their well water.

Boiling: A Misconception

A common misconception about water quality is that boiling can remove contaminants. While boiling is excellent for eliminating bacteria and pathogens, it doesn't magically extract chemical impurities like barium. When it comes to barium, boiling might even concentrate the levels if the water reduces in volume. Thus, relying on boiling as a safety measure against barium contamination would be misguided.

In today's world, with the presence of contaminants like barium, it's evident that ensuring water quality goes beyond simply turning on a tap or unscrewing a bottle cap. Knowledge is power, and understanding the nuances of various water sources can be the first step in safeguarding one's health.

Clearly Filtered Products that target Barium

Removal Rate

Water Pitcher Filter


Under the Sink Filter


Refrigerator Filter


Ensuring Pure, Safe Drinking Water in a Barium-Affected World

Navigating the complexities of water contamination in today's world requires awareness and proactive measures, especially when the contaminant in question is as insidious as barium. While serving certain essential roles in industries and medical practices, this naturally occurring metal can have dire implications for our health when found in our drinking water.

Fortunately, with knowledge and technology, we're far from powerless. Clearly Filtered is at the forefront of safeguarding our most vital resource—water. With its state-of-the-art Affinity Filtration® Technology, Clearly Filtered offers an effective shield against many contaminants, including barium. This technology, honed after years of research and development, binds contaminants at the molecular level, ensuring water that's not only clear but genuinely pure.

In fact, the Water Pitcher with Affinity Filtration Technology is proven to remove up to 99.99% of barium, whereas both the Universal Inline Fridge Filter and the 3-Stage Under the Sink Water Filter System can remove up to 99.84% of barium in your water.

The choice is clear for those serious about ensuring the utmost purity and safety of their family's drinking water. Dive into Clearly Filtered’s range of filtration solutions to arm your household against the silent specter of barium and other waterborne contaminants.


In Recap:

  • Barium's Entry: A naturally occurring metal, barium seeps into water systems through geological processes and human activities, including drilling.

  • Health Implications: Consuming barium-laden water can lead to health risks such as muscle weakness, cardiovascular disease, and blood pressure changes.

  • Regulation: Regulatory bodies like the EPA and WHO have set guidelines for permissible barium levels, ensuring public health and safety.

  • Treatment Solutions: Beyond boiling and conventional methods, advanced treatments like ion exchange and reverse osmosis can mitigate barium presence. But for holistic protection, advanced filtration technologies become essential.

  • Promise of Clearly Filtered: At the pinnacle of water treatment, Clearly Filtered’s Affinity® Filtration technology promises a barium-free, contaminant-free drinking experience, ensuring you and your family's health is never compromised.

Never worry about what's in your water again.